For years, CD Baby has been the safe haven for independent artists. A home to over 65,000 artists, CD Baby helps people distribute their music and monetize to accelerate their growth in the industry. As reported on Fuzzable a few months ago,
“Last year, the distribution network added about 1 million digital tracks. Also, through CD Baby, artists earned around $80 million payouts on a catalog of more than 9 million digital tracks.”
Focused on equipping artists with tools, guidance, and expertise to further their careers in the music industry, CD Baby is now taking the next step by helping these artists gather together in one-of-the-kind music conference. CD Baby’s DIY Musician Conference. (August 24-26 2018) will see the participation of artists from all walks of life – artists who are starting out and also the ones who have been making a living through their art for years. This year, expanded jam rooms and showcases, as well as places and times to hang out and talk, will be one of the cornerstones this year.
The 4th Annual DIY Musician Conference
Omni Hotel, Nashville, TN
The conference will focus on two major aspects – promotion and live performance. Today, there are a plethora of artists who are trying to make their mark in the industry but not everyone has a marketing team backing them up. To help people with the promotional aspect of their occupation, the conference will focus on marketing and budgeting:
“There will be sessions on Facebook ads for musicians on a budget, to using special marketing campaigns via sites like to promote a fresh release. “A lot of what will be discussed lies at the heart of what got me interested in the DIY Musician podcast years ago,” explains Breuner. “It’s the idea that you can reach anyone and you can start building an audience just by engaging with people online and writing good music. You can be anywhere and still make it work for you.”
In addition to the marketing sessions, the conference will also help artists understand the nuances of becoming a good live performer. Expert and popular speaker Tom Jackson will be back this year with his live music makeover, a chance for selected groups to get a whole new way to approach their stage game.
It will not just be a teaching exercise. The conference hosts will also showcase success stories to highlight the impact these teachings can have on an artist:
“Along with actionable tactics and strategy, the conference has made a practice of presenting success stories from unexpected corners of the music-making world. Folks like songwriter and guitarist Lance Allen, one of this year’s featured speakers, who figured out how to craft and pitch music to key streaming service playlists–and pay his mortgage. And Ariel Bloomer, whose blend of indie rock star and life coach spirit has inspired countless musicians and fans, and built her a satisfying life and viable career.”
Today, when the competition is getting tough every moment, organizations like CD Baby are really making an effort to prepare the artists for every situation. While the road to success might not be easy, CD Baby has shown that it’s not impossible. Will you be attending the conference? Share your thoughts via tweet @Fuzzable.